Inside beauty’s eco transport hacks for raw materials

By Julia Wray | 14-Aug-2023

What are the beauty supply chain’s equivalents to the food industry’s 'crownless' pineapple project?

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While scouring LinkedIn for potential beauty news leads, this writer stumbled across an image of pineapples in the supermarket minus their signature spiky crowns, nestled below a sign saying: “Crownless helps conserve; why no tops on these Del Monte pineapples?”

Uploaded by LinkedIn user Toby Myers with the caption “here’s a simple(ish) way to reduce a pineapple’s carbon footprint by >20%, save money, & promote the circular economy at the same time”, the post raised the question, what similar, seemingly-simple but impactful hacks does the beauty supply industry use to reduce the environmental impact of the materials it then ships around the world?

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