TOSLA’S approach to ESG with its own forward initiative


The beauty sector started using ESG strategies a couple of years ago to grow awareness of ethics and sustainability among consumers, investors, and corporate leaders

TOSLA is very well aware of the importance of ESG, so they levelled it up with an initiative called Forward >>. The company's CEO, Primož Artač, stated, "It is an initiative that encompasses all three pillars of ESG and aims to integrate sustainable practices into all aspects of our business operations."

One of the primary missions of TOSLA is to do good for people and the planet by minimising environmental impact, giving back to the community, and formalising commitment to the principles of ESG.

To follow the ESG, TOSLA has built a solar power plant with battery storage on its company's property. Primož Artač emphasises that "this solar plant will enable us to generate clean energy and become self-sufficient in energy consumption." Another great move TOSLA has made was buying an electric car for the Ljubljana Slovene National Theatre Opera and Ballet and two more for employees who commute more than 80 km daily. This rideshare will help to reduce the use of fossil fuels.

In the company and the broader community, TOSLA wants to promote diversity, equality, and inclusion. Therefore, they proudly support a local women's soccer team, the Association of Paraplegic Dancers, and many more.

Not only in words but also through actions, the company has emphasised the importance of ESG by incorporating these commitments into the company statute. Primož Artač is sure that "by doing so, we formalised our dedication to integrating ESG considerations into our corporate governance framework."

If you want to learn more about sustainability in the nutricosmetics industry, you are welcome to join Deanna Utroske, a beauty industry expert, at the Nutricosmetics 2030 event Sustainable Beauty Inside Out, a live podcast series on November 9th.

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